Great Breakfast Places In London

Great Breakfast Places In London

Great Breakfast Places In London


Looking for breakfast places in London?


Going to watch a 6 Nations rugby match is always an exciting experience, but the fun starts even before the first whistle blows. A key part of any successful rugby day out is a hearty breakfast to fuel you up for the excitement ahead, and what better place to go than Polo Bar?


Whether you’re supporting England or Wales, you can fill up before a match when you dine in with Polo Bar


The Full Welsh Breakfast

Welsh rarebit with melted chilli cheeses on seeded granary bloomer, streaky bacon, 3 poached eggs, grilled tomatoes, roasted mushrooms all served homemade salsa rossa.


Welsh Rarebit with homemade tomato chutney. (v)

Melted chilli cheeses on seeded granary bloomer with homemade tomato chutney.


welsh rarebit


The Mighty English Breakfast

Streaky & back bacon, Cumberland sausages, eggs, roasted tomatoes, baked beans, roasted mushrooms, bubble & squeak, hash brown, black pudding and toast. 


Polo Bar Breakfast Special

Grilled bacon, Cumberland sausage, free range egg, baked beans & bloomer toast. 


breakfast special


In a hurry?

If you’re on the go and don’t have time to sit down and eat breakfast, then our Breakfast in a Bun is a great choice. This toasted bap is filled with a fried egg, sausage patty, streaky bacon, cheese, ketchup and lettuce and is a must-have for all you keen rugby lovers who want to line your stomach for the day ahead!


toasted bap


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